Last year I wished we had an X-Com board game and my wish has almost come true as Privateer Press teased details of the latest game in their Level 7 series. Level 7: Invasion takes the action out of the claustrophobic corridors of area 51 and out into the big wide world as the aliens are attacking.
There are very few details at the moment, but speculating from some pictures shared by The D6 Generation’s Facebook page this looks like it’s going to be a classic Risk styled wargame with up to six players. I should imagine we’ll see a lot of this game at this year’s Gen Con.
Level 7 Escape was widely considered a bit pants and the worry was that Privateer Press weren’t very good at producing board games but Level 7 Omega protocol has been getting some very good reviews. Do Privateer Press have what it takes to create a solid ‘dudes on a map’ boardgame? Or is your shelf already burgeoning under the weight of all the other games already in this genre?
Level 7 Invasion is due for release in Fall 2014, unless you live in the UK then its due in Autumn.
Update May 2014: Privateer Press have released another few images on their site, still no news on how the game plays though.

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