Normally Square Hex specialises in roleplaying game mapping tools, they may be as simple as squared or hexed gridded pieces of paper or pads but they’re unbelievably useful. Their latest Kickstarter however is for a couple of H P Lovecraft prints; The Call of Cthulhu and At the Mountains of Madness.
Each print is the complete text of the original story, printed with some beautiful ‘negative space’ artistry. They’re both simple and striking.
To give you an idea of how beautiful and classy these really look, my wife bought the two prints of these they had at the Square Hex booth while I was busy chatting to the chaps over at Fell. My wife would normally never let anything Cthulhu related touch the walls of our house but thought these would “add a touch of literate class to the study”.
Cthulhu Book Posters has already met its funding goal and its one and only stretch goal of a thicker paper stock, go check it out.

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