Res Publica 2230AD card game review

When I was a kid I used to collect Panini Football sticker albums, not because of the football, I hated football and still do, no it was because of the collecting. You would go into school with your half-filled sticker book of perm and mullet wearing soccer stars and your collection of duplicates and go through the ritual of swapping stickers with your friends, often to the chorus of 'got, got, got, need, got'. I mention all this because Res Publica 2230AD boils down to replicating that sticker book collecting but with sci-fi aliens and an even more limited vocabulary than my 8 year old self.
Interview Cast - Mythos, Hunt for Red October and Labyrinth

Welcome to the Polyhedron Collider Interview Cast. These interviews where recorded on the show floor at Salute 2016. First we speak to Paranoid Miniatures about their Lovecraft inspired miniatures game Mythos.  We then speak to Jack Caesar from River Horse about The Hunt for Red October board game and finally from Alessio Cavatore about the upcoming Labyrinth board game and the My Little Pony RPG.

Many thanks to Paranoid Miniatures and River Horse Games.

Salute 2016: Labyrinth interview with Allessio Cavatore

At Salute 2016 we spoke to Alessio Cavatore from River Horse games, who talks about Labyrinth and gives us some news on the Hunger Games and the My Little Pony RPG.

Salute 2016: River Horse The Hunt for Red October Interview

At Salute 2016 we spoke Jack Caesar from River Horse games who talks about his latest game The Hunt for Red October and gives us a hint about the Hunger Games board game.
Salute 2016: Paranoid Miniatures Mythos Interview

At Salute 2016 we spoke to Paranoid Miniatures about their Mythos miniatures game Kickstarter.
Shenanigans The Musical Kickstarter Review
So far I must admit to being a fan of Greg Carslaw's game design. His concepts may be a bit bonkers but whether it's programming robots to fire monkeys into space in 404 or a game that manages to replicate the stress of a nightmare, there's a feeling that great ideas are born of madness. But I'm struggling a little with Shenanigans the Musical, the latest game from Greg that is currently on Kickstarter, and I think it's because it's the most conventional game that Greg has created so far.
Dark Souls Board game preview

At Salute 2016 I had the opportunity to play a demo of the new Dark Souls board game. It was a shortened version of the game, concentrating on an end of level boss character, but I can tell you now, it manages to capture the feel of Dark Souls in board game form.

The full game will involve a dungeon crawl, venturing forth from the bonfire and facing off against low level minions such as undead and Knights, reach the end of the dungeon and you have to fight the boss. If you die then you drop any souls you have acquired and respawn at the bonfire Dark Souls players will all find this familiar.

Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game Kickstarter Review

We don't normally review role playing games here at Polyhedron Collider, mainly because we rarely get the chance to play them, and it's not from want of trying. But when a Beta version of Expedition came along, an app integrated RPG that's hitting Kickstarter right now, it gave us the chance to take part in the RPG experience without any of the faff.
Warmachine and Hordes Mark 3 Announced

Update: Added information about stat cards.

Privateer Pressed have announced that their Steampunk miniatures games Warmachine and Hordes will be getting a brand new third edition later in the year.
Celestia Review

The best word I can find to describe Celestia is ‘delightful’; maybe even 'whimsical', how about delightfully whimsical. Celestia, a reprint of Cloud 9 with a slight re-theme and much better art, is a game of pushing your luck while navigating floating islands and searching for treasure.

But it's a dangerous journey, and you'll have to fend off pirates and murderous flocks of birds as well as the machinations of the fellow crew.