Interview: Richard Denning talks Nine Worlds and UK Games Expo

Steve is joined by Richard Denning, designer at Medusa Games and one of the people instrumental to the UK Games Expo. Richard chats about his newest game, Nine Worlds, an abstract area control game themed around the nine worlds of Norse mythology. He also talks to us about the UK Games Expo, its history and what it’s like to be responsible for such a large gaming event.

00:01:23 Nine Worlds
00:23:25 UK Games Expo
00:32:16 AireCon
00:35:20 Beasts of War
00:38:18 X-Wing
00:43:40 Meeting Doctor Who
00:45:37 Future Games

Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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