The Polyhedron Collider Cast Episode 15: Knightmare Live, Legends Untold and Mansions of Madness

Welcome listeners of illusion to the podcast of confusion. We, Polyhedron Collider, challenge you to the ultimate adventure. The next episode of the podcast is complete, the entrance to the dungeon is open so enter, listener.

The Polyhedron Collider Crew party up and head into the dungeon adventure that is the world of board games, card games, roleplaying games and tabletop gaming.  Andy tells us about his experience of Knightmare Live, Steve and Andy explore the kickstarted world of Legends Untold before escaping the locals of Innsmouth in Mansions of Madness and Jon takes us through Dobble Star Wars.

We also delve into the mailbag and talk about our pet peeves in gaming, rulebooks and augmented reality and VR.

00.00.00 Intro: Explicit Content, how Apple has got our game and Steve is moving away.

00.02.59 Andy relives a ropey TV show from the 90s, as he talks about Knightmare Live

00.12.03 Andy and Steve delve further into a dungeon with a review of Legends Untold, an adventuring card game on Kickstarter right now.

00.23.10 A quick shout out to Ominoes, that is also on Kickstarter and every member of the podcast crew loves. Go back it now at

00.25.23 Andy and Steve both go mad exploring the Cthulhu invested great houses of the Mansions of Madness. They discuss the use of apps in board games and the increasing cost of board games.
The boys also discuss Cthulhu fiction and recommend some Lovecraft stories to get you in the mood. You can download the entire Lovecraft collection for you e-reader over at

00.44.59 All three boys have been rather silly and playing some Dobble Star Wars, which we all agree is ‘snap on crack’ and far more fun than it deserves to be.

00.51.15 Jon delves his hand deep into the mailbag and finds some juicy questions to be answered.
00.51.38 What are your pet peeves about gaming?
00.55.57 What makes a good rulebook?
01.00.58 Mars seems to be the most popular theme at the moment, what do we think will be the next big thing?
01.04.35 What are your thoughts on what Fantasy Flight Games might have up their sleeves to replace Games Workshop licenced products?
01.09.31 Do you think augmented reality, or VR, has a place in board games?
We talk about using the Microsoft Hololens for D&D which can be seen here.

Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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