The Polyhedron Collider Cast Episode 16: The Best Games of 2016 That We Have Played

It’s the end of the year, so between filling their bellies with roast turkey and figgy pudding and the inevitable hangover that follows New Year and Hogmanay the boys gather to look back at the best board, card and tabletop games of 2016.

Tell us what your Game of 2016 was over at our forum or in the comments below.

Timeline: British History Review

You would think with a name like Tudor I would have a greater interest in history. Apart from a half-baked attempt at finding out if I am a descendant of the most famous family in UK history I really do not know much about my country's past. As a point of reference, History is the only class in school I got told off in, and I was a proper nerdy swot. So the game Timeline presents an interesting challenge for me.


Dobble Star Wars Review

Star Wars has some pretty iconic imagery. X-Wings, TIE Fighters, AT-ATs and men in their pyjamas waving glowing swords are all distinctive images that when you see you immediately know you are in a Galaxy far far away.

But do you know your X-Wing from your Y-Wing? Can you spot the difference between Count Dooku and Anakin Skywalker? And, more importantly, can you do this before anyone else?

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