We kick off the New Year with by kicking some demon butt in Doom: The Board Game, we investigate the hype of Mechs vs. Minions and realise we know nothing about our nation’s past with Timeline: British History. We also discuss board game profit margins, the new Roborally and boardgamegeek.com.
00:00:00 Intro
00:02:26 Andy spools up his BFG9000 to talk about Doom: The Board Game
00:22:06 Steve and Jon tell us about the Mechs vs Minions and how Steve very nearly didn’t get to play the game
00:37:50 Our Mechs vs. Minions chat leads on to a discussion about distribution, mark up on board games and the fabled friendly local game store.
00:41:36 The new Roborally has grabbed our attention
00:45:21 We find that Jon is rubbish at history with Timeline: British History
00:53:16 Talisman! (just for Board Deck & Dice)
00:54:15 Outro – please go visit our guild at https://www.boardgamegeek.com/guild/2726
Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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