Airecon 2017 - We will be there and so should you!

Airecon 2017 - We will be there and so should you!

 We all know that 2016 was a bit of a git of a year. With more celebrity deaths than a nuke at an Academy Awards ceremony, I think its 365 days of our lives we’d all like to put behind us. Well, actually, more like 363 days as there was one weekend in particular last year that quite a few people enjoyed in the North-English town of Bradford. No, I’m not talking about the local rugby team entering administration, but of a small gaming convention held in the Jubilee Centre

I am of course talking about Airecon – named not due to the pleasant acclimated conditions of the rooms, but because the event was originally held in the Aire Valley, which makes more sense. Whilst heated (pun intended) discussions about the benefits of recirculated air may be interesting to some, we’re more interested about the tumbling of polyhedrons (two on the trot!), the ruffling of cards and the clatter of…er…cardboard (ok, three was too many).

Airecon board game convention 2016

The Polyhedron Collider Crew were fortunate enough to attend on the Saturday of the two day event (Fri-Sat) in October last year and it’s safe to say we all had a lot of fun. And by that I mean, we actually went to a gaming convention and played a lot of games instead of watch Steve sit in a booth and talk to a bunch of different individuals about games releases and which type of dice is the best.

We even got a mug and free coffee refills, which was ace, even if it did mean I could literally see the Matrix by the end of the day thanks to the volume of caffeine coursing through my veins. Still didn’t help me win Android Mainframe though. For some reason, we were invited onto the “5 Games I hate that everyone else loves” panel to cast our opinions alongside a few other well-known podcasters and reviewers. Needless to say, it quickly descended into everyone disagreeing with the Broken Meeple and laughing at Breacher18 for being hungover.

airecon board game media panel

This year, 2017, the convention is back with a bang and has moved to the Harrogate International Centre, so it’s bigger in every sense: three days instead of two (10th – 12th March) and much more floor space for gaming, shopping and of course listening to well-informed discussion about the community events. Oh, and I’m sure we’ll be on a panel too, somewhere in the basement where nobody can hear us.

There’s more stalls, more gaming areas, more representation from game publishers so lots to do and see. There’s even an RPG Tent for those who partake in such things and a Family Zone for anyone with kiddywinks so we can indoctrinate them into the wonderful world of gaming. Most importantly, the Airecups are back and you can get that all important caffeine input whenever you want it. Given that I’m determined to play TI3, Mark and the crew may need to buy a few more bags of Columbian.

airecon board game library

Since we loved Airecon’16, the Collider Crew is back in force and all three of us will be there for the duration of the weekend so come and say hi – at least two of us don’t bite. Depending on how sassy Steve is feeling, we may be recording a live podcast from the venue so you may be able to watch the magic happen in our unique #Ramshackle style. It’s a wonder to behold, in the sense that you’ll watch us and wonder just how on earth we have any listeners at all.

See you in March at Airecon!
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