Jon, Steve and Andy are back and ready for some chat about board games. First off we look forward to Airecon and have a rather in depth discussion about Cavern Tavern from Final Frontier Games. We then look at a couple of Kickstarters, SUPERHOT from Board & Dice and Elemenz from BadCat Games. Finally we round off the show with questions from the mailbag, answering our thoughts on Kickstarter versus pre-order and comment on the best and worst Kickstarter games we have backed.
00:00:00 Intro. We welcome back Jon and criticize Steve for not planning any contingency
00:01:56 We’re going to Airecon on the 10th to 12th March and we’re starting to get excited.
00:04:04 Cavern Tavern
00:28:58 SUPERHOT: The Card Game
00:36:42 Andy takes us down his Kickstarter money hole.
00:39:45 Elemenz
00:45:34 Question from the mail bag: Pre-orders or Kickstarter, which do we prefer and why? Which are the best and worst Kickstarters we have backed?
Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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