Vadoran Gardens First Impressions

It's a shame that Vadoran Gardens may not get the Kickstarter spotlight it so rightly deserves. They say that great things come in small packages and the first of City of Games' small box games is testament that to have a fun game you don't need 500 miniatures and a box that can be used as a raft during flooding. For reasons that make perfect financial sense, Vadoran Gardens is an add on in the current City of Kings second print run Kickstarter, but I believe it deserves to shine on its own.

We are back with another helping of tabletop gaming chat, board game reviews and all kinds of nonsense about everything else.  In this week’s podcast episode we talk about cutesy pie card laying game Vadoran Gardens, novelty wine glasses, dice placement game Rise to Nobility and magic mirrors.  We round up our discussion with a lengthy talk about Dungeons and Dragons and the adventures of our current campaign that we’ve been playing via Roll20.

Pocket Mars board game Review

Mars is there, waiting to be reached.” - Buzz Aldrin

Mars.  The Red Planet.  The Roman God of War has hung in the night sky capturing the imagination of man, and drawing the creative mind to it like gravity since it was first gazed upon.  In the last few years, the fiction was left behind as science began to catch up, and we now know more about this baron and hostile planet than ever before.  Yet, the more we know, it seems the more our imagination runs rampant and so the notion of the colonisation of Mars seeps into our consciousness, filling our screens, bookshelves and of course, our board games.  It is in this vein that we explore Pocket Mars.

Lords of Hellas Core Box

It seems hypocrisy is something with which I am becoming more familiar. Not through malice or an attempt to ruin someone's day (although I will admit it is entertaining), but through an evolution of taste and the fact that I seem to have been cross-bred with a magpie. That being the only explanation  I can think of for claiming to be "not about the miniatures" whilst jumping on the bandwagon faster than Zebedee on a springboard when a juicy Kickstarter appears which is clearly "mostly about the miniatures".
The Grimm Forest Board Game Review

Once upon a time there was a trio of men who had a severe obsession in board games. Because of this obsession, they spent many hours playing, discussing and criticising their games, arguing about which was best. Needless to say, they almost never agreed.

It turns out that on occasion, the stars do align and said trio of man-children do reach a consensus. Unfortunately for the Grimm Forest, it's not a positive outcome.
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