News Collider - Board Game News 12th November

Board Game News Collider Magic The Gathering Hall of Fame, Dungeons and Dragons Clue Cluedo, Vox Machina Critical Roll Animated TV Show Signed to Amazon Prime UK Games Expo Industry Summit

This week’s News Collider is a little heavy on the RPG front as the Critical Role team sign with Amazon for seasons one and two of the animated telling of the adventures of Vox Machina, Dungeons & Dragons Cluedo second edition is announced and the very sad news about RPG publisher Burning Games closing down.

There’s also some board game business news and a new UK convention in the planning, so grab a cuppa and catch up the latest in tabletop gaming news.

Critical Role signed by Amazon Prime

News Collider Board Game News Vox Machina Critical Roll Exclusive to Amazon Prime

Remember when the Critical Role guys ran a Kickstarter to create an animated series based upon the adventures of Vox Machina?

Of course you do, it blew up back in April with almost 90,000 backers and collecting just over $11.3 million.  Despite the huge success, the question loomed as to what they would do with the show once created.  Enter Amazon Prime, who have not only obtained exclusive rights to the show but have already ordered season 2!  Before anyone has seen the first episode.

Wait.  there’s more.  

Amazon struck a further deal with team Critical Role for a “first look” on a new and mysterious project.

If you backed the Kickstarter don’t worry if you don’t have Amazon Prime, you’ll still get to see it and you’ll be able to do so before the general air date which is pencilled in at late 2020.

Dungeons & Dragons Cluedo

News Collider Board Game News Dungeons and Dragons Clue Cluedo

There are no words.

Hasbro Release $875 Million In Common Stock

Fancy owning a piece of Hasbro?  Now you can as the company has released $875 Million of common stock/equity shares.  The plan is to use the funds generated from this sale of stocks to facilitate the purchase of Entertainment One, the Canadian TV, movie and music company.

UK Games Expo Launch Games Industry Conference

News Collider Board Game News UK Games Expo Games Industry Convention

The people behind the UK Games Expo are planning a new industry convention for publishers in early 2021.  The convention will act as a summit for retailers and publishers to discuss the multitude of issues in and around the hobby and community, from fundraising, VAT, distribution and it will also offer an opportunity for industry networking on a scale not previously seen in the UK. 

Magic the Gathering inducted into the Hall of Fame

News Collider Board Game News Magic the Gathering Toy Hall of Fame

The game that changed the landscape of collectable card since its inception twenty-five years ago has been inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame.  Chosen from twelve finalists, Magic the Gathering, alongside Matchbox Cars and the colouring book will now form part of the display at the Strong - National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York.

These three now join the other classic toys and games that make up the fascinating collection including the Rubber Duck(2013), the Nintendo Game Boy (2009) and Dungeons & Dragons(2016).  

Kidding aside, the Strong looks like an incredible day out and the Toy Hall of Fame is just one of the brilliant areas of one of the largest history museums in the United States.

The End of Burning Games

News Collider Board Game News Burning Games Closes Shuts Down FAITH SCI FI RPG

RPG Publisher Burning Games is shutting-up shop.  In their latest update on Kickstarter the publishers behind the absolutely belting card-based Sci-Fi RPG FAITH and Dragons Conquer America have taken the difficult decision to close down.  They have vowed to ensure backers receive the pledges before they finally dissolve the company.

No reason has been provided but it is clear from the update that this decision has been a long time coming.  The absence of Burning Games at UK Games Expo was a bit of a surprise to us at Polyhedron Collider as we were keen to take a look at their last project, CoreBall.

Come what may, we here at Polyhedron Collider wish the team behind Burning Games all the best for the future, we are sorry to see you go.

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