26 Nov 2019

News Collider- Board Game News 26th November

Board Game News Collider TAGIE Toy And Game Innovation Awards Rebellion Unplugged Sniper Elite Lebellud Foundation

As we approach the end of the year we get ready for a time of new beginnings, a time of hope for a better year yet to come and a backwards glance at the year almost past.  Spaces on game shelves are being prepared and the belt none-too-subtle hints are being dropped into casual conversations, such as “I’ve heard lots of good things about Tiny Towns, it sounds like the type of game I would probably love…”

In other words, there isn’t a huge amount going on in the world of tabletop gaming news.  A video game studio launches a tabletop division, a foundation for youth education is set up by another well-established publisher and Games Workshop is still worth a lot of money.  It’s all here, the best board game news all cobbled together in this week’s News Collider.

Rebellion Game Studios Launches Board Game Division

Board Game News Collider Rebellion Studios Launch Board Game Division with Sniper Elite Board Game

Rebellion Unplugged is the new board game division from one of Europe’s largest independent creative Studios, Rebellion.  Established in 1992 Rebellion is home to the Sniper Elite series of video games as well as owning 2000AD Comics but now they are stepping into the world of board games, with their first game Sniper Elite: The Board Game.  But, don’t think for a moment this is a flash in the pan or just a tie in, far from it because at the helm of this new studio is Duncan Molly, who founded and was the Creative Lead for Osprey Games.

Sniper Elite is a hidden movement game that makes use of bag manipulation and is designed by War Chest and Undaunted co-designer David Thompson with newcomer Roger Tankersley.

The game will be on show during PAX Unplugged ahead of the Kickstarter early next year.

Libellud Creates Foundation to Help Youth and Education

Board Game News Collider Lebellud Launches Creative Support Foundation with 1 Million Euros

Libellud, the publisher behind games such as Dixit and Mysterium are launching a business foundation for the support of youth and education creative projects.  Investing a massive, one million Euros over three years (which equates to roughly 3.3% of their revenue) will see the Libellud at the top of French Business Foundations (who reportedly support in the region of 0.01% to 0.15%of revenue).
The mission of our foundation is to detect, to support and to interconnect inspiring projects by privileging outgoing actions with an impact on society. Collaboration and innovation are the heartbeat of all our programs.
Mathieu Chaveneau, executive director of the foundation. 

There are two prongs to the foundation, Explore, to aid those in need of financial support to get their “big idea” of the ground.  And Eureka is for the further development of an ongoing project.
More information and the application process can be found here.

TAGIE Nominees

Board Game News Collider TAGIE Toy And Game Innovation Awards

The Toy And Game Innovation Awards (no, I  don’t know what the ‘E’ Stands for either) took place on the 22nd November where a number of games and designers you’ll no doubt be familiar with received nominations across a number of categories.
Game Innovator of the Year Nominations went to Kane Klenko for (among others) Pandemic: Rapid Response.  Pat Marino, also received a nomination for the same category for (again, among others) Die Hard: The Nakatomi Heist Board Game.
Rising Star of the Year Nominations included Urtis Ĺ ulinskas for Planets and Pigasus.

Despite the TAGIEs being clearly a very mainstream awards ceremony for very mainstream games (last year the most innovative game was Don’t Step in it - yes, a game about not stepping in poo) it is great to see some more hobby games creeping in.

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