Polyhedron Collider Episode 112 - Spelljammer, Stormweavers, The Reckoners, Above and Below

Spelljamming across the universe, on a scary nautilus that frankly looks absurd!

Yes we are back with another dose of tabletop gaming banter. We look at upcoming Dungeons & Dragons products, attempt to rid the world of super heroes in The Reckoners, go spelunking in Above and Below and explore some retro solo gaming in Stormweavers.

Warning: This podcast contains strong language and adult content.

Time Stamps
00:16:00 D&D Direct
00:24:23 Dark Souls RPG
00:29:09 Viticulture
00:31:37 Wayfares of the South Tigris
00:32:55 Magnate
00:35:45 The Reckoners
00:48:17 Above and Below
01:02:25 Stormweavers

 Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
"NewsSting" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Jon's Played a Game theme: "Zazie" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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