Polyhedron Collider Episode 153 - Arcs, Draft & Write Records, and Dorfromantik: The Duel

Polyhedron Collider Episode 153 - Arcs, Draft & Write Records, and Dorfromantik: The Duel

In this episode of the Polyhedron Collider Podcast, Steve, Andy, and Rory break the mould and discuss a game on the bleeding edge of the tabletop gaming zeitgeist: Arcs, from Leder Games.  Andy shares his highlights from Airecon North West boardgame convention, and Steve and Rory go on tour with the band in Draft & Write Records (from Inside Up Games) before building rival romanticised county villages in Dorfromantik: The Duel, from Pegasus Spiele.

They round off the episode with some questions from the mailbag, including: what game mechanic are you rubbish at but utterly love? 

Warning: This podcast contains strong language and adult content.

00:10:22 Sky Team and Colt Express
00:12:25 Prey Another Day
00:18:12 Draft & Write Records
00:30:05 Arcs
00:53:45 Dorfromantik: The Duel
01:07:35: Games we love but are crap at

Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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