Polyhedron Collider Episode 161 - Inventors of the South Tigris, Fromage, and Rats of Wistar

In this episode of the Polyhedron Collider Cast, the team dives into the latest board game news, reviews, and some seriously unexpected topics, like geese! Tune in as we discuss playing the Warhammer 40k Space Marine VR experience, review a cheese board of games, and design the Dunelm board game.

We take a deep dive into the strategic and resource-management game Inventors of the South Tigris, asking is it a worthy end to the South Tigris trilogy. We then take a look at Fromage a quirky worker placement game about making cheese. Is it as rich in flavor as it sounds or does it stink like a ripe Stilton? We round off the cheese theme with the Rats of Wistar, is it a bad game, or are Sid and Rory just bad gamers?

If you want to check out the long list - its here.
Polyhedron Collider Episode 160 - The Most Anticipated Games of 2025

2025 promises to be another thrilling chapter for tabletop games, so let’s peer into our gaming crystal ball and spotlight the board games and roleplaying games that have us buzzing with excitement for the upcoming year. Of course, there might be a few friendly debates among the PhC board members, and let’s not forget the classic disclaimer: we can’t predict the release dates! So, some of these eagerly awaited games might just play hard to get and not show up this year but hey, that just adds to the suspense, right? Get ready for a year filled with surprises, fun and ramshackle Polyhedron Collider nonsense!

If you want to check out the long list - its here.
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