Polyhedron Collider Episode 162 - My Little Scythe, FlickFleet, Monkey Palace, Cora Quest, In The Footsteps of Darwin, In The Footsteps of Marie Curie

The boys from the Collider have been visiting some tiny conventions and getting lots of games played. First Rory and Sid take us through board games to play with the wee nippers, with Lego building game Monkey Palace, star fighting dexterity game FlickFleet, and miniature Euro game My Little Scythe. Andy then tells us of his exploits in a more sophisticated setting of a Victorian observatory, going through the luxurious tile laying game that is Foundations of Rome. We round off the reviews with some historical themed games with In the Footsteps of Darwin and In the Footsteps of Marie Curie.

Of course the episode ends with questions from the mail bag, where we tackle difficult subjects like tariffs, designer's stinkers and a belting Blind Date question. Its gonna be a lorra lorra laughs..
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